Saturday, October 12, 2024

Test-taking and test preparation strategies

A student's guide to test-taking and test preparation strategies

Taking tests can sometimes feel stressful, but with the right strategies, you can feel confident and ready to succeed! This guide is here to help you learn the best ways to prepare for tests and perform your best during the test itself. Let’s dive into some strategies to make studying and test-taking easier.

Part 1: How to prepare for a test

1. Start early
Don’t wait until the night before the test to study! Start reviewing your notes a few days (or even a week) in advance. This will help you avoid cramming and reduce stress.

2. Create a study plan
Break down the material you need to study into smaller sections. Create a plan where you review one or two sections each day. This will make the study process easier and help you remember more.

Example: If you have a science test on four topics (like plants, animals, habitats, and the water cycle), review one topic each day.

3. Use flashcards
Flashcards are great for memorizing key facts, vocabulary words, or math formulas. Write down important information, a vocab word, or question on one side, and the answer or definition on the other. Test yourself or ask a friend or family member to quiz you.

4. Practice with old tests or worksheets
Ask your teacher if they have any practice tests or worksheets you can review. These can help you understand the types of questions that might appear on the test.

Bonus tip: Try setting a timer when you practice to get used to working within a time limit.

5. Explain concepts to someone else
One of the best ways to know if you’ve truly understood something is to explain it to someone else. Teach a family member or a friend what you’ve learned. If you can explain it clearly, you’re likely ready for the test.

6. Stay organized
Keep your notes, textbooks, and worksheets organized. Use folders, binders, or a study notebook to help you find what you need quickly.

7. Take breaks and stay active
While studying, take short breaks to rest your brain. Every 30-40 minutes, stand up, stretch, or take a walk. This will help you stay focused and avoid burnout.

Part 2: Strategies for during the test

1. Read the directions carefully
At the beginning of the test, make sure to read the instructions for each section. Don’t rush! This will help you understand what the test is asking you to do and avoid mistakes.

2. Skim through the test first
Once you get your test, quickly look over the whole thing. Notice how many questions there are and what kinds of questions (multiple choice, short answer, essays, etc.). This can help you plan your time better.

3. Start with the questions you know
It’s okay if you don’t know the answer to every question right away. Start with the ones you know best. This will give you confidence and save time for more challenging questions later.

4. Use the process of elimination
For multiple-choice questions, if you’re unsure of the answer, try eliminating the choices you know for sure are wrong. This increases your chances of picking the correct answer from the remaining choices.

5. Don’t rush - but watch the clock
It’s important not to rush through the test, but also make sure you’re aware of how much time you have. A good strategy is to divide the time by the number of questions, so you know, on average, about how much time you can spend on each one.

Example: If you have 60 minutes and 30 questions, spend about 2 minutes per question.

6. Check your work
If you finish early, use the extra time to review your answers. Double-check your math work, reread your short answers, and make sure you didn’t skip any questions.

7. Stay calm and breathe
If you start feeling nervous or stuck, take a deep breath. Staying calm helps you think more clearly. Remember, you’ve prepared for this!

Part 3: After the test - review your results

1. Go over the correct answers
When you get your test back, review the correct answers. Understanding what you got right will help you remember for future tests.

2. Learn from mistakes
If you got questions wrong, don’t worry! Mistakes are a part of learning. Ask your teacher or a parent to help explain the correct answers so you can understand where you went wrong.

3. Keep a positive attitude
Whether you did well or not as well as you hoped, stay positive. Use the test as a learning experience to help you do even better next time. Celebrate the effort you put into studying and taking the test.

Part 4: Extra study tips for different subjects

  • Practice different types of problems (word problems, equations, etc.).
  • Memorize important formulas (like area or perimeter).
  • Show your work on paper, even during practice.
Reading and English
  • Practice reading comprehension by asking questions about what you’ve read (who, what, where, when, why, how).
  • Review grammar rules, like punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure.
  • Practice writing short summaries of what you’ve read.
  • Use diagrams and charts to understand concepts.
  • Memorize key vocabulary and terms.
  • Practice explaining scientific processes or cycles (like the water cycle).
Social Studies
  • Make a timeline of important events for history tests.
  • Practice naming and labeling places on a map.
  • Summarize key points about historical figures or events.
Final thoughts

Remember, tests are just one way to show what you’ve learned. With preparation, a calm attitude, and the right strategies, you can feel confident and ready for success. Keep practicing, stay organized, and always try your best!

Good luck on your next test - you’ve got this!

Synonyms and antonyms for fifth grade

Synonyms and antonyms for fifth grade students

An introduction to synonyms and antonyms featuring a list of 20 words

Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings.

Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.

Let's explore some common examples of synonyms and antonyms that are perfect for fifth grade students!

1. Happy

  • Glad
  • Joyful
  • Cheerful
  • Content
  • Sad
  • Unhappy
  • Miserable
  • Gloomy
2. Big

  • Large
  • Huge
  • Enormous
  • Gigantic
  • Small
  • Tiny
  • Little
  • Mini
3. Fast

  • Quick
  • Speedy
  • Swift
  • Rapid
  • Slow
  • Sluggish
  • Lazy
  • Delayed
4. Easy

  • Simple
  • Effortless
  • Clear
  • Straightforward
  • Difficult
  • Hard
  • Complicated
  • Tough
5. Hot

  • Warm
  • Boiling
  • Scorching
  • Toasty
  • Cold
  • Cool
  • Chilly
  • Freezing
6. Bright

  • Shiny
  • Radiant
  • Brilliant
  • Glowing
  • Dull
  • Dark
  • Dim
  • Cloudy
7. Loud

  • Noisy
  • Deafening
  • Blaring
  • Thunderous
  • Quiet
  • Silent
  • Soft
  • Muffled

8. Beautiful

  • Pretty
  • Gorgeous
  • Lovely
  • Attractive
  • Ugly
  • Unattractive
  • Plain
  • Unappealing
9. Brave

  • Courageous
  • Fearless
  • Bold
  • Daring
  • Scared
  • Cowardly
  • Fearful
  • Afraid
10. Smart

  • Intelligent
  • Bright
  • Clever
  • Wise
  • Dumb
  • Stupid
  • Foolish
  • Unwise
11. Friendly

  • Kind
  • Nice
  • Helpful
  • Welcoming
  • Mean
  • Unfriendly
  • Rude
  • Hostile
12. Strong

  • Powerful
  • Tough
  • Sturdy
  • Solid
  • Weak
  • Fragile
  • Frail
  • Feeble
13. Funny

  • Humorous
  • Amusing
  • Silly
  • Entertaining
  • Serious
  • Boring
  • Dull
  • Unfunny
14. Quiet

  • Silent
  • Peaceful
  • Calm
  • Still
  • Loud
  • Noisy
  • Rowdy
  • Boisterous
15. Lazy

  • Sluggish
  • Tired
  • Inactive
  • Unmotivated
  • Active
  • Energetic
  • Lively
  • Hardworking
16. Clean

  • Tidy
  • Neat
  • Spotless
  • Orderly
  • Dirty
  • Messy
  • Filthy
  • Untidy
17. Kind

  • Generous
  • Thoughtful
  • Compassionate
  • Caring
  • Cruel
  • Mean
  • Unkind
  • Harsh
18. Safe

  • Secure
  • Protected
  • Guarded
  • Shielded
  • Dangerous
  • Risky
  • Unsafe
  • Hazardous
19. Rich

  • Wealthy
  • Prosperous
  • Affluent
  • Well-off
  • Poor
  • Broke
  • Needy
  • Penniless
20. Honest

  • Truthful
  • Sincere
  • Trustworthy
  • Reliable
  • Dishonest
  • Liar
  • Untrustworthy
  • Deceitful

By learning and understanding these synonyms and antonyms, you can expand your vocabulary and improve your writing. You can make your sentences more exciting by using different words and showing the difference between ideas by using opposites!

This list can help fifth graders practice and recognize word relationships, which is essential for improving both reading and writing skills!

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Roman Republic

Exploring the early origins of Rome: A journey from legends to the Roman Republic


Rome is one of the most famous cities in the world, known for its rich history and powerful empire. But where did it all begin? The story of Rome's origins is a mix of fascinating legends and real historical events. Let’s dive into how the city of Rome was founded, how it was ruled by kings, and how it eventually became the mighty Roman Republic.

The legend of Romulus and Remus

The story of Rome begins with a legend. According to ancient myths, Rome was founded by two brothers, Romulus and Remus. They were the sons of Rhea Silvia and the god Mars, the god of war. When they were babies, their wicked uncle ordered them to be thrown into the Tiber River because he was afraid they might grow up and take his throne.

But the twins were not meant to die. They were saved by a she-wolf who cared for them as if they were her own cubs. Later, a shepherd found the boys and raised them. When they grew up, Romulus and Remus decided to build a city where they had been rescued. However, the brothers argued about where the city should be and who should be in charge. In a tragic turn, Romulus killed Remus and became the first king of the city, which he named Rome, after himself.

Rome’s early kings

After Romulus became the first king of Rome, he ruled the city and set many of its early traditions. He was followed by six more kings. Each king contributed something important to the growing city. For example, one of the kings, Numa Pompilius, was known for creating many of Rome’s religious customs. Another king, Servius Tullius, organized the people into different social classes and improved the city’s defenses by building a wall around it.

However, the last king, Tarquin the Proud, was not a good ruler. He was cruel and did not listen to the people. The Romans grew tired of his harsh rule and eventually drove him out of the city. This marked the end of Rome being ruled by kings and the beginning of a new era.

The birth of the Roman Republic

After getting rid of their last king, the Romans decided they never wanted one person to have all the power again. Instead, they created a new form of government called a republic. In this system, the people elected leaders to make decisions for them. This way, power was shared among many people rather than concentrated in the hands of one ruler.

The Roman Republic was governed by several important offices. The most powerful were the consuls. Each year, two consuls were elected to run the government and lead the army. They had to agree on decisions, so one person couldn’t make all the choices. There were also other officials like the senators, who were wise and experienced leaders giving advice and helping make laws; and the tribunes, who were elected to protect the rights of the common people.

Patricians and plebeians

In the early days of the Republic, Roman society was divided into two main groups: the patricians and the plebeians.

Patricians were the wealthy and powerful families who controlled most of Rome's land and wealth. They often held important positions in the government and made many of the decisions that affected the whole city.

Plebeians, meanwhile, were the common people, including farmers, craftsmen, and soldiers. They comprised the majority of the population, but had far less power and fewer rights than the patricians.

The plebeians were unhappy with their lack of power and often clashed with the patricians. They wanted more say in how the government was run and more protection for their rights. Over time, they fought for and won more rights, including the ability to elect their own officials, the tribunes, who could speak up for them and even block unfair laws.

The struggles between patricians and plebeians

The conflict between the patricians and plebeians is known as the Conflict of the Orders. This struggle lasted for many years, with the plebeians slowly gaining more rights and power. One of their biggest victories was the creation of the Twelve Tables, the first written laws of Rome. These laws were displayed for everyone to see, so the rules were clear and could not be easily changed by the patricians to their advantage.

The plebeians also won the right to marry patricians and to hold important government positions. Over time, the differences between patricians and plebeians became less important as Rome became more united.


The story of Rome’s beginnings is a tale of legends, kings, and a fight for fairness. From the founding of the city by Romulus to the rise of the Roman Republic, Rome’s early history laid the foundation for what would become one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen. The Republic, with its elected leaders and balance of power, was a big step forward in creating a fairer and more organized society. It showed that ordinary people could have a voice in their government - a lesson that still matters today.

Roman Judea in the time of Jesus

An essay about the broader Roman landscape during the time of Jesus. What was it like to live in Roman Judea during the time of Jesus? How did Jews and Romans get along? What were the main political, social, and cultural factors of the day? What was the economy like in Roman Judea?

Life in Roman Judea during the time of Jesus: A look at the broader Roman landscape


When Jesus lived, the land where he grew up was called Judea, which was part of the Roman Empire. This was a very important and powerful empire that ruled over much of Europe, North Africa, and parts of the Middle East. Life in Judea during this time was influenced by many factors, including Roman rule, Jewish traditions, political tensions, and the local economy. Let’s explore what it was like to live in Roman Judea, how the Romans and Jews got along, and what daily life looked like for the people there.

Roman rule in Judea

The Romans had taken control of Judea about 60 years before Jesus was born, when Pompey the Great conquered the area for Rome in 63 BC. The Romans ruled with a strong hand. While the Jewish people had their own religion, customs, and traditions, the Romans were in charge of the government, taxes, and military. The Romans wanted to keep peace and control over their empire, but this wasn’t always easy because many Jews didn’t like being ruled by outsiders. They wanted to be free and live according to their own laws.

In Roman Judea, there was a Roman governor, like Pontius Pilate, who made sure the Roman laws were followed. The Romans also appointed local leaders, such as King Herod and later his sons, to rule over the Jewish people. Herod was famous for rebuilding the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, but he was also known for being cruel and ruthless. Although he was part-Jewish, many people didn’t trust him because he worked closely with the Romans.

How did the Jews and Romans get along?

The relationship between the Jews and Romans was complicated. Some Jews, especially the wealthy and powerful ones, tried to get along with the Romans. They believed it was better to work with the Romans to avoid trouble. These people were known as the Sadducees, a group that cooperated with Roman officials and helped maintain order.

However, many other Jews were unhappy with Roman rule. They didn’t like paying heavy taxes to the Roman government, and they didn’t want to follow Roman laws that went against their religious beliefs. There were even some groups, like the Zealots, who wanted to fight against the Romans to win freedom for the Jewish people. This tension made life in Judea difficult, as people disagreed on how to deal with the Romans.

Daily life in Roman Judea

Life in Roman Judea was shaped by both Jewish traditions and Roman influences. Most people in Judea lived in small villages or towns, and they worked as farmers, fishermen, or craftsmen. They grew crops like wheat, barley, and olives, and they raised sheep and goats. Jerusalem, the capitol city, was a busy place where people came to worship at the Temple, trade goods, and attend festivals.

Religion was a big part of daily life. The Jewish people followed the Torah, which is their holy book, and they observed the Sabbath, a day of rest. Jewish festivals, like Passover, were very important and brought countless people to Jerusalem to celebrate. The Temple in Jerusalem was the center of religious life, and people made sacrifices there to honor God.

The Romans brought some of their own culture to Judea. Roman soldiers and officials were often seen in cities and towns. The Romans also built roads, aqueducts (which carried water), and other infrastructure that helped make life easier for people. While some Jews adopted Roman customs, many stuck to their traditional ways, which sometimes caused tension between the two groups.

Political and social factors

Politically, Judea was in a tricky situation. The Jewish people wanted to be free, but the Romans weren’t about to give up control of the region. The Roman government wanted peace in Judea, but this was hard to achieve because many Jews didn’t accept Roman authority. Some groups, like the Pharisees, were religious leaders who focused on keeping Jewish law, while others, like the Sadducees, worked closely with the Roman rulers.

There was also a social divide between the rich and the poor. Wealthy Jews, like the Sadducees and some priests, lived comfortably and had good relationships with the Romans. On the other hand, many ordinary Jews were poor and struggled to make a living. They were often angry about paying high taxes to the Roman government and saw the wealthy Jews as part of the problem.

Jesus grew up in this environment. Our Lord and Savior came from a small village called Nazareth, and He worked as a carpenter alongside His earthly father and guardian, St. Joseph, before starting His ministry. His teachings focused on kindness, forgiveness, charity, and repentance, but He also lovingly challenged the powerful leaders of the time, both Jewish and Roman.

The economy of Roman Judea

The economy of Roman Judea was based on agriculture, trade, and taxes. Most people worked the land, growing crops like grain, grapes, and olives. Olive oil and wine were important products that were sold and traded with nearby regions. Fishing was also an important part of the economy, especially around the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus spent a lot of time. Several of His Apostles, as we know, were fishermen before being called by Jesus.

Trade was common in Roman Judea, especially because the region was located near important trade routes. Goods like spices, textiles, and metals passed through Judea, and Roman merchants made sure these items were taxed. The Romans expected everyone to pay taxes, and tax collectors were often disliked because they worked for the Roman government and sometimes took more money than they should.

Taxes were a burden for many people. The Romans required the Jewish people to pay taxes on their land, their produce, and even their homes. This made life hard for poor farmers who already struggled to make ends meet. The Roman economy was also based on the use of coins, and people in Judea used Roman currency for trade and taxes.


Living in Roman Judea during the time of Jesus was both challenging and complex. The Jewish people were trying to hold onto their traditions and beliefs while living under Roman rule. Tensions between the Jews and Romans were high, and different groups within the Jewish community had different ideas about how to handle Roman control. Daily life revolved around agriculture, religion, and family, but the heavy taxes and strict Roman rule made life difficult for many. In this environment, Jesus began his ministry, offering a message of hope and peace during a time of uncertainty.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Vocabulary terms from Roman times

Following are brief definitions/explanations for 14 words or phrases as they pertain to studying the Roman Republic and, later, the Roman Empire. They are written in a style that fifth grade history students studying Roman times can understand. Here are the words/terms that will be defined: Centurion; Legion; Consul; Dictator; Republic; Imperator; Paterfamilias; Patrician; Plebian; Pax Romana; Tribute; Tribune; Triumvirate; Veni, vidi, vici.

Centurion: A centurion was a Roman army officer in charge of about 100 soldiers. They were brave leaders and helped keep the soldiers organized.

Legion: A legion was a large group of Roman soldiers, usually about 5,000 men. It was the main fighting force of the Roman army.

Consul: A consul was one of two leaders elected each year to run the Roman Republic. They made important decisions and led the army.

Dictator: In ancient Rome, a dictator was a leader given full control for a short time during emergencies. They had a lot of power but only for a limited time, like six months.

Republic: The Roman Republic was a time when Rome was ruled by elected officials, not by kings. Citizens voted to choose their leaders.

Imperator: Imperator was a title given to Roman generals after a big military victory. Later, it became a title for emperors.

Paterfamilias: The paterfamilias was the head of a Roman family, usually the oldest man. He had control over the family and made important decisions.

Patrician: Patricians were the wealthy, noble families in Rome. They had a lot of power and were often the leaders of the government.

Plebeian: Plebeians were the common people of Rome. They were farmers, merchants, and workers who didn’t have as much power as the patricians.

Pax Romana: Pax Romana means "Roman Peace." It was a period of about 200 years when Rome was mostly peaceful and stable.

Tribute: A tribute was a payment made to Rome by a conquered area or group. It could be money, crops, or other goods.

Tribune: A tribune was an official who represented the plebeians. They protected the rights of the common people and could veto unfair laws.

Triumvirate: A triumvirate was a group of three powerful leaders who shared control of the Roman government for a period of time.

Veni, vidi, vici: This famous phrase means "I came, I saw, I conquered." It was said by Julius Caesar after a quick and easy victory in battle.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Prime numbers

Understanding prime numbers

A mini lesson for 7th grade math students about prime numbers. What is a prime number? What are the various rules and patterns regarding prime numbers? Let's explore further.

What is a prime number?

A prime number is a number greater than 1 that has only two factors: 1 and itself. This means the only way to multiply two whole numbers to get a prime number is by multiplying 1 and the number itself.

Examples of prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23...

Non-prime numbers: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 (because they can be divided evenly by numbers other than 1 and themselves)

Key rules of prime numbers

The number 2:

The number 2 is the only even prime number. Any other even number can be divided by 2, which means it has more than two factors and isn't prime.

All other even numbers are not prime:

Any number that ends in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 is even, and since it’s divisible by 2, it can’t be prime (except for 2 itself).

1 is not a prime number:

A prime number must have exactly two factors. Since 1 only has one factor (itself), it is not considered prime.

Patterns and tricks for finding prime numbers

Divisibility test:

For small numbers, you can check if a number is prime by testing if it can be divided by any prime number smaller than itself (like 2, 3, 5, 7).

Prime numbers get rarer:

As numbers get bigger, prime numbers become less frequent. This means the larger the number, the harder it is to find prime numbers.

Prime numbers cannot end in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 (except for 2):

Any number that ends in an even digit is not prime, except for the number 2.

The Sieve of Eratosthenes:

A method to find prime numbers by "sieving" out multiples of primes:
  • List all numbers from 2 onwards.
  • Cross out all multiples of 2 (like 4, 6, 8...).
  • Then cross out all multiples of 3 (like 6, 9, 12...).
  • Repeat this process with the next smallest uncrossed number (like 5, then 7, and so on).
Fun fact: Infinite prime numbers

There are infinitely many prime numbers. No matter how big you go, there’s always another prime number to be found!

Practice problem:

Is the number 29 a prime number?
Solution: Test if it’s divisible by smaller prime numbers (2, 3, 5). Since none of these divide evenly into 29, it is prime!

  • A prime number has only two factors: 1 and itself.
  • 2 is the only even prime number.
  • Prime numbers get rarer as numbers get larger.
  • Use patterns and divisibility rules to help find primes!
This foundation will help you explore more advanced number theory and problem-solving in math!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

How to keep a commonplace book

The commonplace book: A timeless tradition of learning and reflection

A commonplace book is a personal repository for knowledge, reflections, and ideas. The term "commonplace" comes from the Latin locus communis, which translates to "a general or shared topic." In essence, a commonplace book is a collection of quotes, observations, thoughts, and knowledge that resonates with the individual keeping it. It can take the form of a journal, a notebook, or a digital record where the keeper collects information they find meaningful, be it passages from books, notes from lectures, or original insights.

What is a commonplace book?

A commonplace book is not just a diary, where one records the day’s events or personal feelings. Instead, it is a tool for intellectual development, a place where people document ideas worth preserving for future reflection or application. While it may seem like a random assortment of content, the materials in a commonplace book are deeply personal and often reflect the individual's intellectual pursuits, interests, and philosophical inquiries.

Historically, these collections were tools for learning and reference. People would transcribe notable excerpts from literature, theology, or science, annotate these passages with their own interpretations, and create connections between different fields of knowledge. The practice dates back to ancient Greece and Rome, where scholars used them as a way to catalog knowledge for later use. During the Renaissance and Enlightenment, commonplace books became popular among thinkers, writers, and intellectuals, as a method for managing the vast amounts of knowledge they were exposed to.

The benefits of keeping a commonplace book

The benefits of maintaining a commonplace book are extensive, as it fosters learning, creativity, and personal growth.

Organizing knowledge

A commonplace book helps us organize information from diverse areas of life. Instead of losing track of valuable insights, these are captured and saved for later reference. In a world overflowing with information, it provides a structure for managing knowledge.

Encouraging critical thinking

The act of selecting what to include in a commonplace book encourages thoughtful reflection. By recording something, we inherently analyze its worth and its relevance to our lives, which deepens our engagement with the material. Additionally, writing down thoughts on a passage allows for greater clarity and understanding.

Fostering creativity

Collecting ideas from various sources often leads to new connections and creative breakthroughs. By revisiting and reflecting on the diverse thoughts housed within a commonplace book, individuals can inspire themselves to see things in new ways or come up with innovative solutions to problems.

Personalized learning

A commonplace book tailors the learning process to individual interests. Whether someone is an artist, scientist, or philosopher, the book becomes a personal resource for accumulating knowledge that aligns with their intellectual goals. It’s a custom-made guide to learning, drawn from the individual's chosen sources.

Deepening memory retention

Writing things down improves memory. Studies show that physically recording ideas makes us more likely to remember them. In an era where information is easily accessible but quickly forgotten, the act of writing in a commonplace book ensures important knowledge is retained and accessible when needed.

Providing a resource for future reference

Over time, a commonplace book becomes a treasure trove of information. Revisiting past entries allows the keeper to reflect on their intellectual journey and apply previous learnings to current endeavors. Many notable figures throughout history have referred back to their commonplace books for inspiration and guidance.

What to write in a commonplace book?

A commonplace book can contain a vast array of content, limited only by the interests of its keeper. Here are some ideas for what might be included:

Quotes from books, speeches, or lectures
Passages that resonate, inspire, or challenge your worldview.

Personal reflections and observations
Insights gained from everyday experiences, conversations, or moments of contemplation.

Philosophical musings
Record thoughts on ethical dilemmas, questions about existence, or reflections on life's meaning.

Scientific or mathematical ideas
Formulas, theories, or principles that you find intriguing or applicable.

Literary criticism or book summaries
Notes on books you’ve read, with analysis or questions that the text raises.

Poetry and prose
Not only quotes from famous works, but also your own creative writings, whether fully formed or in rough draft.

Recipes, maxims, or proverbs
Pieces of wisdom passed down through culture or family, worth remembering and practicing.

Drawings or sketches
For artists, a commonplace book may include visual representation of ideas.

Ideas for future projects
A place to brainstorm and develop potential creative, scientific, or business ventures.

Prayers and religious reflections
Meditations on faith, prayers, and spiritual insights for those who wish to explore religious themes.

Dreams and aspirations
Record your goals, dreams, or plans for self-improvement.

Famous figures who kept commonplace books

Over the centuries, many influential figures - writers, thinkers, scientists, and even saints - have kept commonplace books as tools for organizing their thoughts, inspiring creativity, and tracking intellectual development. Here are some of the most notable examples:

John Locke (1632-1704)
The English philosopher and physician, regarded as one of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers, wrote a book titled A New Method of Making Common-Place Books in 1706, instructing readers on how to categorize their entries by topics, making it easier to retrieve information. His work helped popularize the method among scholars.

Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)
Woolf kept extensive notes, reflections, and passages from other writers in her commonplace books. These books were foundational in shaping her literary style and ideas, especially her experimentation with stream-of-consciousness narrative techniques.

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Jefferson, the third president of the United States, was known for his extensive commonplace book. In it, he kept political, philosophical, and literary passages that inspired his ideas on governance, democracy, and human rights. It was a vital resource for him as he drafted key documents like the Declaration of Independence.

Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD)
The Roman emperor and philosopher wrote Meditations, which many consider to be his version of a commonplace book. Though primarily a series of personal writings, Meditations reflects the Stoic philosophy and serves as a guide for personal ethics, leadership, and self-discipline.

Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD)
Augustine’s works, especially Confessions, are filled with quotes and reflections drawn from Scripture, classical philosophy, and personal introspection, marking an early form of the commonplace tradition in Christian thought.

Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)
The German-born philosopher kept a commonplace book filled with quotations and her own reflections. It served as a tool for Arendt to engage with ideas she explored in her works, including her examination of totalitarianism and human rights.

Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)
The author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Carroll used commonplace books to jot down ideas, problems, and puzzles, particularly related to his mathematical interests and literary experiments.

Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
Aquinas, one of the most influential Catholic philosophers and theologians, kept notebooks that compiled insights from both religious and classical sources. These served as important references in his theological writings, including Summa Theologica.

Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
The philosopher and statesman used commonplace books as a method for systematically collecting and categorizing knowledge. His works were influential in shaping the early development of the scientific method.


The commonplace book is a tradition that has transcended centuries, benefiting thinkers and creators across many fields. From philosophers like John Locke and Francis Bacon to artists like Virginia Woolf and Lewis Carroll, the practice of keeping a commonplace book fosters intellectual growth, creativity, and the preservation of knowledge. Its versatility allows individuals to mold it into a personal and unique tool for capturing ideas, dreams, and insights. Whether for organizing scientific observations, reflecting on philosophical concepts, or collecting inspiring literary passages, the commonplace book is a timeless practice that enhances personal learning and creativity.