Saturday, February 22, 2020


Do you have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?

It's no surprise why so many people consider the path of entrepreneurship. After all, working for yourself can be great - you can set your own schedule, and there's no boss constantly breathing down your neck. In knowing that such an appealing work environment actually exists, many people question if they, too, could become successful entrepreneurs. While there's no set formula to ensure someone will succeed as an entrepreneur, many successful entrepreneurs do seem to possess several of the traits listed below. If you also possess such traits, you may have what it takes to be an excellent entrepreneur.

Here are nine traits that are often seen in successful entrepreneurs:


To succeed as an entrepreneur, you'll need to set realistic goals and have the willpower to see them through. Failing to set appropriate goals can leave you working aimlessly, which can be detrimental to productivity. For more on goal setting, see my previous post, What are SMART goals?


It takes a lot of hard work to become a successful entrepreneur. Often, this work comes with little to no recognition for the effort. To meet the demands of entrepreneurship, you'll need to continue working hard, even when no recognition is forthcoming.


Entrepreneurs often have long working hours and no one around to keep them on task. To become a successful entrepreneur, you'll need to motivate yourself to keep working, especially when you'd rather be doing something else.

Financially responsible

Entrepreneurs aren't often the most financially stable people around, especially early on. By being financially responsible during the more prosperous periods of the business, you can better withstand any future dry spells.


Confidence can be extremely useful when you need to sell yourself, your service, or your product to potential customers. Having a confident disposition will instill confidence in whatever it is you are selling, which should help convince more potential customers to purchase your product or service.

Happy to learn

Entrepreneurs are faced with many challenges. To overcome these challenges often requires a great deal of research. To thrive as an entrepreneur, you'll need to learn whatever knowledge or skills are needed to move forward with your job. See my previous post, The importance of learning outside the classroom.

Emotionally stable

Being an entrepreneur can be very stressful and plays on many emotions. To stay focused on the job, you'll need to keep a level head while experiencing even the most taxing emotions.

Can move beyond failure

Successful entrepreneurs are able to move beyond their failures and keep working toward their goals. Things won't always go smoothly as you continue down the path of entrepreneurship, but if you can push past failures aside, you can get back on track toward your next success.

Good leader

If you expand your business and hire employees, then you'll not only have to motivate yourself to complete the work, but others, as well. Being a good leader will help you motivate others to successfully complete their assigned tasks.

So, after reading about some traits that are often found in successful entrepreneurs, do you think you might have what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur yourself? If your answer is yes, then you should definitely take a closer look at entrepreneurship. It could be one of the most impactful decisions you ever make. To learn more about this subject, see my previous post, the Pros and cons of entrepreneurship.

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