Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Take better study notes

Note-taking strategies for middle school students and high school students

Explaining effective note-taking strategies for middle school students and high school students. How can these students take better study notes and commit more to memory?


Taking effective notes is an important skill that students of all ages need to learn. Good note-taking skills can help ensure success in school and enable students to commit more information to memory. But how do you take better study notes? Let’s dive in and explore some effective note-taking strategies for middle and high school students.

Organize your notes

The first step to taking better notes is organizing them effectively. Most schools have their own preferred method of taking notes in class, such as using a spiral notebook, keeping a binder of loose leaf paper, or using a laptop or tablet. Whichever method you choose, make sure it works best for you - if you prefer writing your notes down by hand, don’t feel pressured to switch to typing them up just because everyone else does! Additionally, make sure your notes are arranged into categories that are easy for you to reference later on when studying.

Use mnemonic devices

Mnemonic devices are tools used to help remember facts or pieces of information. For instance, if you’re trying to memorize the order of the planets from closest to farthest from the sun (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars…), try creating an acronym such as “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles” - each word in the phrase corresponds with one of the planets! Mnemonic devices like this can be especially helpful when studying for exams or tackling difficult subject material; they make it easier for students to recall what they learned in class without having to read through pages upon pages of detailed notes.

Practice active listening & note taking

Active listening is another great way for students to get more out of their classes and lectures. This involves paying attention not only with your ears but also with your eyes - watch body language and expressions closely while listening carefully. Take brief summaries throughout the lecture so that everything remains fresh in your mind later on when studying; this will help keep distractions at bay and ensure that you’re getting as much out of the lecture as possible!


Note-taking isn't always easy, but it's an essential part of being successful in school. By organizing your notes into categories, utilizing mnemonic devices when necessary, and practicing active listening techniques during lectures and classes, middle schoolers and high schoolers can take better study notes and increase their chances of success on exams and assessments! With these strategies in their toolkit, young learners can quickly develop the skills necessary for taking effective notes now - and throughout their educational career!

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