Thursday, August 8, 2024

Biographical poem template

Create an awesome biographical poem about yourself or someone else with this simple template. Perfect for students as an English/literacy activity, or even for use in art class as part of a larger art project!

Biographical poem template

Title: [Name's] Biographical Poem
Line 1: First name
Line 2: Three adjectives that describe the person
Line 3: Sibling of (or child of) [name(s) of siblings or parents]
Line 4: Lover of (three things or people the person loves)
Line 5: Who feels (three feelings and when or where they are felt)
Line 6: Who needs (three things the person needs)
Line 7: Who gives (three things the person gives to others)
Line 8: Who fears (three things the person is afraid of)
Line 9: Who would like to see (three things/places the person would like to see)
Line 10: Resident of (where the person lives)
Line 11: Last name

Example poem:

Title: Emma's Biographical Poem

Cheerful, Creative, Curious
Sibling of Alex and Jamie
Lover of painting, reading, and dogs
Who feels happy when with friends, excited during holidays, and calm in nature
Who needs love, adventure, and support
Who gives kindness, laughter, and help
Who fears spiders, heights, and thunderstorms
Who would like to see Paris, the Grand Canyon, and a Broadway show
Resident of Brooklyn

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